Skyline House - Security, Safety, and Neighborhood Watch


Introduction: The Security, Safety & Neighborhood Watch Committee of Skyline House is charged with the review and advocacy of all vital measures protecting both persons and property against accidents, larceny/theft, robbery, trespassing/intrusion, break-ins, vandalism, and any other willful malicious acts, or natural and man-made disasters. This committee will:

  1. Foster and maintain an effective working relationship with local police and fire departments.

  2. Promote safety and security-related Skyline House Rules and Regulations, as well as government-mandated fire safety rules on our property; monitor compliance with both sets of those rules and regulations.

  3. Formulate and disseminate information to residents on safety, fire safety, and crime prevention procedures on a recurring basis.

  4. Research, develop and publish an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and evacuation plan tailored to Skyline House based, in part, upon the Fairfax County EAP and other local or regional plans; review it annually and update it as necessary. Recommend to the Board of Directors (BoD) when it is appropriate to conduct a live exercise of the plan or portions of it.

  5. Provide for an active and visible Skyline House Neighborhood Watch (NW) Program; plan and execute an annual “National Night Out” event in support of local law enforcement.

  6. Review the effectiveness of all physical and personal security procedures and policies at least on a biennial basis. Monitor the effectiveness of physical access and surveillance equipment used to observe and control both personnel and vehicular entrances and exits into and out of Skyline House properties. Make recommendations to the PPOC on replacing or updating such equipment, as needed.

  7. Monitor all reported major incidents (e.g. vandalism, willful malicious acts, and accidents) and violations of House Rules & Regulations in close cooperation with the Management Office. Review such incidents for in-place preventative measures, assess incidents for causes/trends, recommend remedial actions, and advocate their subsequent implementation/enforcement.

  8. Evaluate the performance of duties by Security Officers and their associated equipment assigned to our property in concert with the Management Office. When needed, assess proposals for new contracts with security services and actively participate in source selection in collaboration with PPOC.

  9. Submit an annual SS&NWC budget to the Management Office.

  10. Engage in a close liaison and cooperative partnership with other Skyline House committees, as well as the Management Office to attain the highest level of effectiveness in carrying out the functions of the Safety, Security and Neighborhood Watch Committee.

Membership: Shall comport with the BoD Resolution approved on May 26, 2010 entitled Committee Membership and Voting Status.

July 2012

For a PDF of this charter click here.

For a PDF of the resolution click here.

Emergency action plan logo

The Safety, Security, and Neighborhood Watch Committee has put together an Emergency Action Plan for Skyline House residents.
Please download, print, read and share with your family.

Image of a cell phone for One Call Now

Citizens Reporting System (CRS)

The Fairfax County Police want you to know they have an expedited means to report non-emergency crimes. While this has been available for a while, they have upgraded their system and made it easier.

In an emergency, always call 9-1-1. But when you are the victim of a crime and the perpetrator is no longer there, use this website.

Examples of non-emergency crimes are bike theft, unoccupied hit and run, and larceny/theft under $5000.

Image of email for One Call Now

Month Agenda
January Agenda
February Agenda
March Agenda
April Agenda
May Agenda
June Agenda
July Agenda
September Agenda
October Agenda
November Agenda